Sunday Worship Service at 10:30am

Back to School Bash

3:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Sunday, August 20th will be the Back to School Bash at the BCC property from 3-7pm.  We will gather with the IMAGE (high school) and EDGE (middle school) for a time of fun, games, and connecting, to celebrate the start of a new school year, and to welcome the incoming 6th graders to the youth group.  We invite you, as a parent, to come specifically at 6pm for a time of vision casting and prayer for our upcoming year of youth.  We are asking each grade to bring a food item with them, and pizza will be provided (7th grade – veggies.  8th grade – fruit.  9th grade – chips/snacks.  10th grade – dessert.  11th & 12th grades – drinks) 6th grade doesn’t need to bring anything, as we welcome you to the youth group!!  **Please note, in order to care for the needs of all students in the youth group, please refrain from sending food that includes peanuts and/or peanut butter.

For questions, contact Phil at phil@


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More information:
EDGE - Middle School
IMAGE - High School
